


Grant activities of the college

  /  Grant activities of the college

In 2019, the college began active work on modernization of the educational process, modernization of educational programs: the Department of Innovation and International Activities was opened with the involvement of external experts from NGOs (NGO "Kultura Medialna"), the search for extrabudgetary funding mechanisms.

"Together we give joy" - a charity festival, which aimed to hold creative events for orphans and children left without parental care or found themselves in difficult living conditions. During the implementation of the project for children of social rehabilitation centers "Barvinok" and "Dovira" 6 master classes were held: on pop singing, playing musical instruments; for the manufacture of dolls-motanok and vytynanok. As part of the festival, students and teachers of the college organized 7 concerts of various genres (choreography, pop singing, circus and choral art, etc.). Thanks to the project, students were able to demonstrate their skills in various arts, and students of social centers were invited to other cultural and artistic events of the college.

Innovative program in the specialty "Management of socio-cultural activities" , under a grant from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, which aims to train professional bachelors in the field of project management. The program focuses on the theory and practice of management of socio-cultural activities, provides a comprehensive mastery of knowledge and modern technologies of project management in culture. In February 2020, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №47-l from 04.02.2020, the college received a license to conduct educational activities in this specialty, and in September 2020 the first enrollment of students took place. Currently, the training is focused on the specifics of the development of modern culture. Students gain knowledge with an emphasis on innovation in the professional sphere, as well as learn from practitioners from leading cultural institutions in Ukraine and Europe. The program has become a platform for a new generation of cultural managers, as well as an alternative way to improve the skills of professionals at different stages of their careers. Thanks to the project, the college has the opportunity to train highly qualified cultural and project managers, assistant curators of contemporary art, art managers with employment opportunities in public and private institutions, socio-cultural institutions: museums, galleries, cultural centers, cultural centers, cultural and artistic institutions, cultural institutions other states, public organizations.