Puppet Theater Actor

About specialty
The course is aimed at obtaining in the future special education in the field of performing arts with a significant component of individual forms of education, practical classes and various practices (training, production), providing professional training of the applicant.
Program professional competencies:
- Ability to solve professional problems in the field of stage activity.
- Ability to generate an idea and develop a new artistic idea and its implementation in a work of performing arts.
- Skills of public presentation of the result of your creative (intellectual) activity.
- Free orientation in directions, styles, genres of world and Ukrainian performing arts.
- Operating with a specific system of means of expression (plastic-pictorial, acting-performing), puppetry technique during the creation and demonstration of a stage work.
- Ability to work effectively in the team in the process of creating a synthetic by nature stage work, participation in the creative team in the process of its preparation.
- Actor (theater, cinema, etc.)
- Language tutor
- Reader
- Head (art and art studios, amateur association, interest club, etc.)
- Team leader (theatrical, amateur, etc.).
- Teacher of a professional educational institution
- Teacher of theatrical disciplines