

Estrade Singing

Estrade Singing

About specialty

The educational and professional program of the specialty is focused on studying the problems of music art, mastering the creative and research specifics in the field of history and theory of music, mastering and improving vocal art, mastering pedagogical skills in the field of music education.

 Program professional competencies: 

  • Ability to understand the development of musical art in a historical context in combination with the aesthetic ideas of a particular historical period.
  • Ability to create, implement and express one's own artistic and aesthetic concepts at a professional level
  • Skills to collect and analyze, synthesize artistic information and use it for theoretical, performing, pedagogical interpretation
  • Interaction with the audience to convey musical material, freely and confidently represent their ideas, artistic interpretation during a public performance.
  • High level of performing skills on stage and ability to solve the main problems of practical activities in rehearsal, pedagogical and creative work.
  • Ability to teach professional disciplines in educational institutions, plan pedagogical activities, outline the goals and objectives of teaching and education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students.
 The qualification obtained in the specialty provides an opportunity to work: 
  • Arranged (musical)
  • Artist of the ensemble (song and dance, vocal-instrumental, vocal, pop-instrumental, choral, folk instruments, etc.)
  • Artist-vocalist (vocal ensemble, choir)
  • Primary art teacher
educational institutions
  • Leader of the amateur team (by arts)
  • Organizer of concerts and lectures
  • Music Editor
  • Vocal Tutor
Further studies graduates can continue their studies at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in educational institutions of the appropriate level of accreditation.