Information, Library and Archival Affairs

About specialty
The specialties are: content, organization of the library, basics of document science, work with the book, methods of creating information retrieval systems, service of library users, automated technologies. Professional knowledge will give the opportunity to carry out analytical and synthetic processing of documents, plan the work of the library and more.
Program professional competencies:
- Ability to select, analyze, evaluate, systematize, monitor, organize, store, disseminate, and make available information and knowledge in any format.
- Ability to use state-of-the-art applied computer technology, software, network and mobile technology to solve professional problems. & nbsp;
- Analysis of patterns of development of document and information flows and arrays as an artificially created subsystem of social communications.
- Design and creation of document and information resources, products and services.
- Skills to create, populate and maintain websites and online communities on the Internet.
The qualification obtained in the specialty provides an opportunity to work:
- Secretary of Administration
- Assistant to managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations
- Organizer of office work
- Referent
- Archivist
- Office worker