Folk Song Art

About specialty
Graduates have competencies that in the future provide work with lighting and sound equipment, film/photo/video equipment, develop the ability to organize and coordinate cultural and artistic projects, create and manage the work of creative teams.
Competences acquired by students during the period of study and the acquired specialty allow graduates to gain a foothold in the workplace as conductors, leaders of amateur choirs, folk ensembles, singers-artists of professional choirs, to hold administrative positions in the field of culture and art, allow to be organizers and managers of various actions, developers of concepts of development of programs, allow to carry out management of a creative team.
Software professional to competence:
- Application of professional knowledge in rehearsal, concert, cultural and leisure work.
- Using knowledge of concert repertoire in creative activities.
- Mastery of rehearsal process and organizational work with amateur creative team.
- Stage performance skills.
- Conducting skills.
- Using knowledge, skills and abilities from specialized professional disciplines in the process of solving practical problems.
- Leader of amateur choirs
- Organizer of cultural and leisure activities